The Difference Between European Robin & American Robin

Although American robins and European robins look similar, there are several key ways in which they differ. One major difference is their habitat: American robins are found in North America, while European robins are found across Europe and parts of Asia. Another difference is their diet: American robins primarily eat insects, while European robins eat a mix of insects and fruit. Finally, American robins are generally larger than European robins.

Despite these differences, American robins and European robins share many similarities. Both species are highly social, forming large flocks during the winter months. They also both have red chests and orange-yellow beaks. If you’re ever lucky enough to see one of these beautiful birds up close, you’ll notice that they’re both truly a sight to behold.

Are American robins related to European robins?

There is some debate on whether American robins are closely related to European robins. Some ornithologists believe that they are two separate species, while others believe that the American robin is a subspecies of the European robin.

The American robin is a member of the thrush family, which includes over 50 different species of birds. This family is split into two main groups: the Old World or European thrushes, and the New World or American thrushes. The American robin is classified as a New World thrush, along with species such as the hermit thrush and the veery.

The European robin is also a member of the thrush family, but it is classified as an Old World thrush. Other Old World thrushes include the blackbird, the song thrush, and the redwing.

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