Where Do European Robins Go In Summer

Every spring, European robins return to our yards and gardens, providing us with hours of bird-watching pleasure. But what do we know about these creatures? Where do they go during the summer months, and how does climate change impact their habits?

This article will explore the fascinating summer movements of European robins, and provide some insight into the ways that climate change is affecting their behaviour.

What European Robins Do During Their Summer

During the summer months, European robins still enjoy hanging out in our gardens and yards. However, they also spend time in woods and forests, foraging for food, like insects, spiders, and other small creatures.

Robins are also known to eat berries and fruits, which they can find in abundance in certain areas during the summer months. In fact, some robins will even travel long distances to find the perfect spot for berry-picking!

So, while robins do enjoy spending time in our gardens during the summer, they also venture out into other areas in search of food. This means that you might not see your favourite robin every day – but don’t worry, they’ll be back!

In addition to foraging for food and enjoying the occasional berry, European robins also spend time during the summer months looking for a mate. Once they find a suitable partner, they will work together to build a nest. After the eggs have hatched, the parents will take turns feeding and caring for their young.

After a few weeks, the chicks will be ready to leave the nest and start their own lives. However, they will still rely on their parents for food and protection until they are fully grown.

Where Do They Go During Summer

As mentioned above, robins will travel to different areas in search of food during the summer months. This can mean that they might not always be in your yard or garden.

In fact, some robins have been known to travel hundreds of kilometers in a single summer! This is because they can find the perfect conditions for foraging – whether it’s a particular type of forest, meadow, or even a city park.

So, if you’re wondering where your robin friend goes during the summer, the answer is: anywhere and everywhere! They are truly nomadic birds.

Do They Migrate

Migration is when animals travel to different areas at different times of the year, depending on the weather. For example, some birds migrate to escape the cold winter months.

European robins do not migrate, which means that they stay in the same general area all year round. However, as mentioned above, they may travel to different parts of their territory in search of food during the summer months.

Do All Robins Go to the Same Place in the Summer

No – every robin has its own territory, which means that they will all go to different places during the summer months. This is because each robin needs to find its own food and nesting sites.

However, some robins will travel in groups during the summer months. This is usually done for safety reasons, as it’s easier to find food and ward off predators when there are more birds.

What are Some of the Challenges Robins Face During the Summer Season

One of the biggest challenges robins face during their summer is finding enough food. This is because they need to eat a lot during this time – not only to build up their energy reserves but also to feed their young.

Another challenge robins face during the summer is the weather. This can be both good and bad – while the warmer weather is great for foraging, it can also be too hot for the chicks. This is why parents will take turns sitting on the eggs to keep them cool.

Finally, robins also need to be careful of predators during the summer months. This is especially true if they are raising chicks, as these young birds are particularly vulnerable.

So, while the summer months can be tough for robins, they are also a time of great opportunity. This is when they can really take advantage of all the resources their environment has to offer!

How Does Climate Change Affect Where They Go and What They Do During Their Summer

As the climate changes, so too does the landscape of Europe. This can have an impact on where robins go during their summer months.

For example, as forests and woods become drier due to hotter temperatures, robins may find that there are fewer insects available for them to eat. This could lead to them spending more time in our gardens, where there is a more reliable food source.

Climate change could also impact the berries and fruits that robins rely on during the summer months. If certain areas become too hot or dry, the berries may not grow as well or may even disappear altogether. This could force robins to travel further distances in search of food or to change their diet altogether.

Whatever the case may be, it’s clear that climate change will have an impact on European robins and their summer habits.

What Does This Mean for Us

Climate change is affecting all of us, including the European robins in our gardens. As the climate continues to change, we must do what we can to help these little birds adapt.

For example, we can plant native trees and shrubs that provide food and shelter for robins. We can also reduce the number of pesticides and herbicides we use, which can harm robins and other wildlife.

By working together, we can make a difference for European robins and other creatures impacted by climate change.


As we can see, European robins face many challenges during their summer months. From finding enough food to dealing with the changing climate, these little birds have a lot to contend with!

However, by working together and doing our part, we can help make their summer a little easier. After all, they deserve it – these hard-working birds bring so much joy to our gardens!