How To Get Robins To Nest In Your Garden (6 Steps)

Robins typically build their nests in trees or bushes, but they can also be found in man-made structures such as roof cavities or birdhouses. They typically start nesting in March or April, depending on the weather. Some robins, however, start earlier in January when the weather is still mild. They lay their eggs in the middle of April and August.

Robins are territorial and won’t build their nests near other robin’s nests. The males will start singing to attract a female, and once he has found his mate, they will begin to look for a nesting site. The nest is typically made of grass, twigs, leaves, and mud. Once the eggs are laid, the female robins will incubate them, and then the male will help find food sources for the baby robins. The baby robins will stay in the nest for about two weeks, and then they’ll start to fly around. The parents will continue to feed them until they can find food on their own.

Robins are delightful birds to watch, and they can be attracted to your backyard by providing them with the suitable habitat and food. You can do a few things to attract them to your backyard and encourage them to build a nest:

  1. Provide Food Sources: The best way to attract robins is to provide them with a food source. They love insects and invertebrates, so adding a feeder filled with mealworms or other insect-based bird food will bring them to your yard. They also like to eat seeds and fruit, so offering various food options will make your yard more attractive to them. Try placing suet, raisins, grapes, or currants on a feeder attached to a tree or post. You may also consider making your garden a place where robins can find their natural prey. This means leaving some areas of the garden wild and uncultivated. Planting trees and adding features such as compost heap or log pile will also be beneficial. These features will provide nesting sites and attract other invertebrates that make up robin’s diet.
  2. Provide Source of Water: One way to attract robins is to provide a source of water. This could be a birdbath or simply a bowl of clean water for the birds to drink from. The presence of water will help lure robins to your yard, and once they start nesting there, they may return year after year. Just ensure that you provide clean water, as robins are susceptible to diseases that can be spread through contaminated water. Change the water regularly, and scrub the birdbath clean at least once a week to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.
  3. Create A Nesting Place: Robins need a place to nest, and providing some shelter in the form of trees or bushes will encourage them to stay in your backyard. They are particularly attracted to sheltered areas concealed from the view of predators. Typical natural nesting spots for these birds include dense shrubs, hedges, and trees. You can also create a nesting place for robins by putting up nest boxes in an appropriate spot. Be sure to have an open front to the box so they can easily enter and exit. They also prefer natural shade from the sunlight. The nest boxes should face between north and east to avoid exposure to harsh weather conditions.
  4. Regularly Clean Bird Feeders: Setting up bird feeders can easily attract robins to your backyard, but it is essential to keep them clean to protect the birds from harmful diseases. Bacteria and other contaminants can build up on bird feeders over time, so be sure to clean them regularly. This will help keep the feeders free of harmful pests that make the birds sick.
  5. Make Your Yard Friendly To Robins: In addition to providing food and shelter, you can make your yard more inviting to robins by minimising disturbances. Do away with pesticides in your garden, as these chemicals can be harmful to birds. Robins are also sensitive to noise and disturbance, so try to keep your yard calm and quiet. This will make it a more peaceful place to nest and raise their young. If you happen to have cats in your home, be sure to keep them indoors or provide a safe outdoor area for them to roam. Cats are one of the main predators of small garden birds.
  6. Make Your Yard A Sanctuary for Garden Birds: Robins aren’t the only birds that can be attracted to your backyard. Many other birds, such as blue tits, goldfinches, and blackbirds, can also be drawn to your garden. Creating a sanctuary for garden birds is a great way to enjoy watching wildlife from the comfort of your home. By following these tips, you can create a backyard that’s perfect for robins and other beautiful songbirds.

Robins are beautiful songbirds that can be a delight to watch, and by providing them with the right food and habitat, you can help make them feel at home in your backyard. By following the tips provided, you can create a backyard that is friendly to robins and will attract them to nest in your yard. It will be a natural nesting spot that the robins can use. And who knows, you might be lucky enough to get a glimpse of a baby robin growing up right before your eyes!