Blue Tit Or Great Tit? How To Tell The Difference

Some of the most popular garden birds in the United Kingdom are the tits. Tits are known for their rounded bodies, short bills, and short legs. They are extremely active birds and are usually seen hunting for insects or other delicacies.

There are eight species of tits found in and across the UK; however, the two most common species are the Blue Tit and the Great Tit. Both birds look similar and are easily identifiable by their petite stature, bright plumage, and signature white cheeks. However, some striking differences between them make it effortless to tell them apart.  

What is the Difference Between the Eurasian Blue Tit and the Great Tit?

The Eurasian Blue Tit is a small bird that grows about 12cm in length, while the Great Tit is slightly larger and grows up to 14cm in length. The pattern of their plumage is similar; however, the Great Tit lacks the bright blue wings that earned the Blue Tit its name. Instead, the Great Tit’s wings are a muted greenish-grey colour. In addition, the stripe on the chest of the Blue Tit is much more subtle and does not connect from the head to the legs like the stripe of the Great Tit. The stripe on the Great Tit’s chest is bold and unmistakable. 

blue tit and great tit

Not only do these two birds differ physically, but they display very different behaviours as well. Blue tits are usually seen in much larger groups than Great Tits. Blue Tits are highly active birds, always seeking out food and darting around. Great Tits, on the other hand, are calmer and prefer to search for their food along the ground. 

Both the Blue Tit and Great Tit are very vocal birds; however, their calls are very distinct. The Blue Tit’s call sounds more like a high-pitched whistle that trills at the end, while the Great Tit’s call is a two-note song. Blue Tits are also known for its churring alarm call that sound incredibly angry. Both birds have additional vocals that sound like those of other birds. 

A bit More detail on the Blue Tit & the Great Tit… 

Eurasian Blue Tit

Blue Tits are small and grow up to 12cm. They have a lifespan of about three years; however, the record for the oldest Blue Tit is ten years and three months. 

Blue Tit’s earned their name from the colour of their plumage. They sport a blue cap on their white heads with white cheeks and a blueish black stripe across their eyes. They have a black neckband that is slightly wider in males than in females. Avertical black stripe starts in the middle of their yellow chest and trails down through the belly to their legs. This stipe is thin and more subtle than the stripe of the Great Tit. Blue Tits sport greenish backs with blue wings and tails. They have black billswith a highlight of white, bluish-grey legs, and dark brown and black irises.

The Blue Tit’s signature call sounds like ‘tsee-tsee-tsee-di-di-di-di.’ The first part sounds like a high-pitched whistle and trills at the end. They also have a churring alarm that sounds incredibly angry compared to their small bodies. 

Blue Tits are social birds and are often seen in flocks composed of several different species of birds, especially while eating at bird feeders. Blue Tits are very active and acrobatic. They can be found dangling upside down on branches while hunting for their food. When eating from feeders, they will grab a seed and retreat to their favourite perch to enjoy their meal. These birds are known for their extremely active lifestyles and are always on the move. 

Blue Tits are widespread across the United Kingdom, except in the Northern and Western Isles. Blue Tits are one of the most common birds in urban and suburban gardens. They are popular in broadleaved woodlands, parks, and hedgerows. You will find Blue Tits anywhere there are trees and bushes for them to find food in and breed. 

Blue Tits are active feeders and eat seeds, nuts, insects, and spiders. They are often seen eating from bird feeders or searching out prey in the most unusual places. They prefer to feed their chicks caterpillars as they are rich in nutrients. 

Great Tit 

Great tits are the largest tit species in the United Kingdom. They can grow as large as 14cm. They have a lifespan of about three years; however, the record for the oldest Great Tit is thirteen years and eleven months.

The Great Tit’s colour pattern is similar to the Blue Tit’s colours. They have a black head and white cheeks. Their black colour spans a thick black line down the centre of their chest down to their legs. On either side of the black line, their chest and bellies are yellow in colour. Their wings are greenish-grey to black,while their tails are blueish-grey. Male and female birds look the same, but the males tend to be slightly brighter in colour when compared to a female. 

The Great Tit’s signature call is a two-note song, often describedas a ‘tea-cher, tea-cher’ song. While it may be similar to the Coal Tit’s song, it is lower and slower. Like other birds, they make a variety of different sounds as well.  

Great Tits are often spotted in pairs or on their own. They are known to be assertive, especially when food is involved. They prefer to stay in sheltered or covered areas, such as in trees or bushes instead of staying out in the open. Like Blue Tits, Great Tits will quickly grab a seed and fly away to eat it somewhere else. Unlike the Blue Tit, Great Tits are much less active. Instead of always flying around, they are more likely to search for food on the ground or in feeders. Great Tits are a resident species of bird. This means that they do not migrate or move around throughout the year. 

Great Tits prefer deciduous and conifer woodland areas; however, they are equally at home in urban and suburban gardens. As long as there are trees, the Great Tit will adapt well to the area. Due to their adaptability, the Great Tit’s range covers most of the United Kingdom, except for the low-tree areas, such as the Northern Isles. 

Great Tits will eat seeds and nuts from bird feeders or when they come across them in nature. They are also avid hunters and often seek out insects, particularly caterpillars. Great Tits will often gather food and fly off, leading experts to believe they stash some food for later.


Eurasian Blue Tits and Great Tits may look incredibly similar at first glance; however, with practice, you will be able to identify them easily. Remember to start by looking for the blue cap and wings, which is the signature of the Blue Tit. The Blue Tit also has a black stripe across the eyes as if it is wearing a mask. If it does not appear to have blue plumage or a stripe across the eyes, look at the stripe on the bird’s chest. If it is broad and prominent, starts at the bird’s chin, and trails down to the bird’s legs, it is a Great Tit. Most importantly, enjoy birdwatching and observing the habits and patterns of the birds in your garden.

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