Step by Step Tutorial: How To Draw & Paint A Cute Whimsical Robin (With The Procreate Default Brushes)

Here is a quick step by step tutorial on how to draw and paint a cute whimsical robin. For this illustration, I used the Procreate app with the default pre-installed Procreate brushes.

(Whilst this tutorial is a Procreate one, you may use the same instructions to use with traditional paper and watercolour/acrylic paints – if you don’t have or want to use Procreate.)

I used the following reference photo:

Robin bird

So let’s get started! 🙂

How To Draw A Robin

  • Procreate Brush: Sketching > Derwent
  • Colour: Any Gray

how to draw a robin step by step
Start with a round head, then move on to the outer body and feathers. Use one third of the robin for the head, and two thirds for the body.
how to draw a robin step by step
Once you have a basic outline, add in the details – such as where the robin’s red chest will begin, the eye, beak, legs and tree branch
how to draw a robin step by step
  • Add a new sketch layer
  • Use the following Procreate Brush: Drawing > Copperhead
  • Colour: Brown

Go over your sketch once again with the darker pencil, finalising the details as you go.

how to draw a robin step by step
Add a new layer for the cute details such as the umbrella and scarf.
how to draw a robin step by step
how to draw a robin step by step

Painting In The Robin & The Colours To Use…

Procreate Brushes:

  • Calligraphy > Kunanyi – for the base layer
  • Painting > Stucco – for the top layer
  • Painting > Dry Brush – for the feathers
  • Drawing > Styx – for the outline

Colours: Brown/Gray, Orange, Ochre, Off-White, Coppery Brown for the outline

how to paint a robin step by step
Start with a base layer using Kunanyi brush, then paint over the red chest with the Stucco brush, and the feathers with the Dry Brush.
how to paint a robin step by step
Use the same brushes and the same technique for the umbrella and scarf
cute robin drawing picture illustration
And towards the end, decided to add a cute nervous looking worm on the side
cute robin picture illustration
For the background, I used the same colours as the illustration, and used Kunanyi brush as the base layer and Stucco brush for the top layer to add that grunge appearance
Total time taken: 2+ hours

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